The NAIST Global Student Network (GSK) hosts Nagashi-Soumen events on campus to celebrate the summer and enjoy being outside, for a change.
Nagashi-Soumen is a popular Japanese dish and summer activity, in which thin noodles flow down a stream of cold water in a length of bamboo and participants catch them with chopsticks. The noodles are then … Continue Reading ››
The Japanese academic year ends in March and starts in April. We followed graduating and newly entering students, and documented the Graduation and Entrance ceremonies that mark its end and beginning.
March 24 marked this year’s spring graduation ceremony, as 396 students celebrate academic success. The ceremony was accompanied by musical intermissions, as all students were called … Continue Reading ››
Each year, the NAIST GSK Recycling Club collects household items from graduating students, and redistributes them to the incoming students that need them most. This is a big win for the graduating students, the new students, and the environment! The club hosts the yearly Recycle Market behind the school cafeteria. This year's event was held on April … Continue Reading ››
Students participating in the Creative and International Competitiveness Project (CICP) presented their finished projects during the Spring Seminar and the Open Campus of February 24 and 25.
The CICP is a yearly competition held in the Graduate School of Information Science of NAIST. Students could apply with a project in June to receive research funds, and started work in … Continue Reading ››
Every year, several students from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines take the opportunity to come in Nara to take a grasp of research at NAIST in particular, and life in Japan in general. This experience helps them to decide if they want to enter NAIST in the future, after their undergraduate or master's course. We interviewed one … Continue Reading ››
In spite of being a Japanese graduate school, there are some extracurricular activities going on on campus. This time VSP introduces you to one of the more traditional ones, NAIST Kendo Club. Kendo, or Japanese fencing, is a martial art that literally means "the way of the sword". Practitioners wear an armor and try to … Continue Reading ››