The “Global Campus Event NAIST Tea Time” is a regular event where NAIST students and staff present on a topic of their choice. For the Tea Time on 6 July 2017, students and staff were treated to Chè Trái Cây, a Vietnamese dessert.
As is customary, the Tea Time begins with an introduction of a refreshment or snack. Chè Trái Cây, we learn from presenters Le Quynh Giang and Mai Chi Thanh, is popular as a street food, and eaten all over Vietnam’s countless cafés – a remnant of its French-colonial past. It is made from loads of fruit (mango, papaya, pineapple, jackfruit etc. are traditional, but you can be a hero and add strawberry, kiwi, and also whatever you like) that is cut into cubes, and then covered in coconut milk and/or yoghurt. A veritable delight.
In the remaining time, Fumiya Nakamura talked about his time at NAIST and in Japanese university, and Belgian exchange student Arnaud Delmotte introduced Parkour, a recently popular inner-city sport from Paris, as well as the NAIST Circus Club which meets up weekly for juggling, slacklining and more.
Do you have a hobby to share, or a dessert to prepare? Then write an email to to be a presenter at the next Tea Time. Presentations are open to everyone and generally in PechaKucha format.